Mr New is back as Drummer.
Trap Set: ( '51 Gretch, White Pearl ), Guitars: featuring ('61 Guild T100 ), Percussion, Vocals.
webmaster, FLASH 5, database: www.bboogie.com www.theboogie.com www.FillmoreEast.com www.Fillmore-West.com www.mrnew.net www.mrnew.com www.NewportJazz-NYC.com orion.ramapo.edu/~jalfaro -----------------fortunecity.com------------------- 24 Jam Street,
300 Jazz Street,
302 MilkyWay
E-mail: and.the.beat.goes.on@worldnet.att.net
Animator, Musician, Journalist
PICTURED: Woodstock '94, North Field, Friday Afternoon, 'Blues-Traveler' on Stage.
I'm the guy who recorded those hundreds of tapes, over the many, many years, currently NOW! producing the third Boogie CD: Boogie 2001 !!!
Set Manager, Recordist, Mix Down, Song Grading, Cassette and CD Production. Boogie Music.... 15 hours.... PER DAY
SO, practice your little freakin' fingers off,, Bubba !
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